Available Courses

Reels to Riches Membership

Reels to Riches is a monthly membership that'll help you get more views, engagement, followers, clients, and money from Reels, and have a fucking blast doing it!

Visible and Paid

A 6 week live group program for the woman ready to be seen and successful AF!

The Shine Online Mastermind

The Shine Online Mastermind is for women entrepreneurs, coaches and creators ready to get visible and grow their biz to $5-15K months and have a blast doing it!

1:1 Coaching

Make more money just by showing up, being yourself, and using video.

This is for the woman who is READY to get massively visible so she can get massively paid!


Intensives are strategic and focused 60 minute sessions with me to dive deep into one area of your business to get you results now. 

You can use them to get support with your business so you can grow to 6-figures, or make a viral Reel so you can get yourself in front of thousands of people, or work through your visibility blocks so you can show up FULLY yourself since that's what attracts clients.

You get 60 minutes of deep 1:1 support and 1 week of on-going Telegram support.

Blow Up Your Biz VIP Days

Blow Up Your Biz VIP Days are 5 hour in-person experiences with me to create a customized  plan to grow your business to 6 figures! 

Reels Starter Kit

In this self-guided program you'll learn how to make Reels easy and fun and post them consistently so you grow your audience and business.

Content Queen

Content Queen: Clarity in your messaging is a key foundation to your success. Without it, your audience is confused and when they're confused, they're not buying. This quick and easy program helps you get clear so you can post content that connects and converts, and ultimately attracts more clients so you can make more money.

Consistency Queen

Boss Bitch Biz Bundle

For boss bitches ready to show up on social media consistently so their dream clients can find them and pay them.

In this self-guided program, you'll learn how to:

  • Create a visibility strategy for Instagram that feels really fucking good, does not lead to burn out and builds trust with your people
  • Create a visibility strategy for Facebook that feels equally fucking juicy and nurtures the relationships you're building
  • Feel safe to be seen and blast yourself and offers all over the internet so your people can find you and pay you

This self-guided program contains 3 Modules with workbooks and video tutorials to teach you how to get visible so your people can find you and sign up to work with you.

Video Queen

Boss Bitch Biz Bundle

For boss bitches ready to blow up their business with video.

In this self-guided program, you'll learn how to:

  • Create scroll stopping Reels so you can grow your audience and expand your reach
  • Make authentic and engaging live videos so your people know you are THE person who can help them
  • Post stories that get people feeling even closer to you and more excited to buy from you

This self-guided program contains 3 epic workbooks and 7 live video trainings to teach you how to make the best videos that convert online.

Mindset Queen

Mindset Queen: My essential program to help you shift your beliefs and thoughts to empower yourself and get back to your authentic truth so you can fully express yourself and call in all the money and clients you desire.

Boss Bitch Biz Bundles - Content Queen + Consistency Queen + Video Queen

Boss Bitch Biz Bundles: Content Queen + Consistency Queen + Video Queen

(get all 3 of my self-guided programs together and SAVE $20)

  • Write fire content that connects and converts, so you can attract your dream clients on the regular.
  • Show up on social media consistently and build trust so your people are eager to buy from you?
  • Create scroll stopping videos so you can scale your biz?

These 3 courses are the foundation to blowing up your biz. They're all the strategies and tools you need and I wish I had when I started my business. They'll teach you to go from zero sales to sold out. 

My Courses Available Courses
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